Getting involved in a club at Roosevelt is a terrific way to make friends and learn more about something that interests our students. Some clubs meet during snack or lunch while others have after-school or weekend commitments.Every year, ASB hosts a club rush during lunch where students can learn about the available clubs and what they do. This event gives students the opportunity to see what each club is about and if interests them. This year we held Club Rush virtually on two different days and it allowed students to do it from the comfort of their home. If you have not joined a club and want to, please contact the teacher that is overseeing the club you would like to join. Below you will see a list of current clubs:Some Clubs on Campus Include:
2023-2024 RMS Clubs
MESA- Mrs. Galdamez
Robotics Club- Mr. Galdamez
Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA) - Ms. Doody/Ms. Terman
School Newspaper Club- Coach Giblin
TUPE- Ms. Valenzuela
Drama Club- Ms. Vargas
Project ABCD- Ms. Valenzuela
Music Club- Ms. Suhr
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)- Ms. Tapper
WEB Club- Ms. Gonzales, Ms. Pascale, Ms. Tapper, Ms. Rodriguez, Ms. Vargas, Ms. Emmett
Pathways to College- Ms. Mercado
Students can start a new club easily at Roosevelt. Find out more on how to make this happen by emailing Ms. Tapper, ATapper@gusd.net