Phone: (818) 242-6845
Degrees and Certifications:
Goldsbury, Janet
Something about me: I was raised in Rhode Island and northern New Jersey which is code for NYC. I moved to Berlin shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall where I lived through German reunification, the birth of the European Union and the introduction of the Euro. I was there when the capitol moved from Bonn to Berlin and for Christo's wrapping of the Reichstag. I lived in Kladow on the Wannsee, and in Kreuzberg by the historical Markthalle and a short bike ride from the Brandenburger Tor and Gedächtniskirche am Bahnhof Zoo. Later my musician husband and I built a house in a small, 800 year-old village, population 200, located between Berlin and the Polish border. I earned my masters while a classroom teacher at The Nelson Mandela State International School in Berlin. After 16 exciting years, we returned to the US with our two children. After a few years in Texas, I found Glendale and am thrilled to be in an international community close to the beautiful beaches! I come to Glendale with many years of experience teaching math, German and music to students from kindergarten through 12th grade.
- Janet Goldsbury, M.Ed.