


    PBIS MATRIX 2021


    Character Education 2021-2022

    Character education enhances the lives of students, while positively impacting the academic environment and supporting strong communities.  It is an essential part of any school environment.

    Please join us this year in recognizing the following monthly Character Traits!   

    September - Respect
    * Value others by treating them how you would like to be treated
    * Accept personal differences
    * Understand that ALL people have value 

    October - Responsibility
    * Take ownership for your choices and actions
    * Be reliable, dependable, and prepared
    * Be committed to always doing your best 

    November -Empathy
    Understand what someone else is going through by putting yourself in their shoes
    * Be sensitive toward others’ feelings and thoughts

    December - Caring
    * Being considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others
    * Showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity
    * Treating others as you would like to be treated

    January - Self-Control
    * Being in proper control of your words, actions, and impulses

    February - Integrity
    * Do what is right in all situations: home, friendships, classroom, hallway, community
    * Stand up for your beliefs in an appropriate way
    * Be honest and trustworthy

    March - Leadership
    * Be a positive influence on others
    * Have a vision and be ready to take positive action
    * Use productive communication to be a positive role model

    April – Perseverance

    * Staying with a task and not giving up
    * Demonstrating commitment, pride and a positive attitude in completing tasks


    May/June – Review of Character Traits