

    Course: PreCalculus                                                                                        Teacher: Mrs. Mauldin


    Course Description:  This course covers a variety of topics, including trigonometric functions and their applications, analytic geometry, sequences and series and limits, polynomial equations, exponential and logarithmic functions and an introduction to differential calculus.


    Attendance: Missing class means you are missing important information.  Whether it be a lesson, a test or quiz, or an opportunity to review material before an assessment.  Try not to miss my class.  If you must be absent, you are expected to view the notes on Canvas prior to returning to class the following day.  There will also be videos posted with helpful information on each lesson possible. 


    Grading Policy: Each student’s final grade can be broken down into the following items: 

     Assignments               -           20%

    Skill Development        -           30%

    Assessments                 -           50%

    **Anyone who scores less than a 60 on a summative assessment (chapter test) will be given the opportunity to either take a retest or do corrections after remediation.  Their score can be raised up to a 60 for the retest or corrections.  


    Missing Work: After all absences, the student is responsible for obtaining any missed work and assignments that must be completed within 3 days.  It is expected that students who are absent have reviewed the notes and homework assignment on Canvas before returning to class.  Any tests or quizzes missed will be completed during TIGER Time on the next scheduled day or may be completed after school. 


    Required Supplies:                 

    • 3-ring notebook.                                              
    • Loose-leaf notebook paper (lots!) if using a 3-ring notebook
    • Pencils (plural!)
    • Graph paper


    Suggested Supplies:


    • Colored Pencils                                                                       
    • Graphing Calculator (TI-84 Plus Recommended)






    • Come prepared for class each day.        
    • Be in YOUR seat and working on the warm-up problem by the time the tardy bell rings.
    • Be respectful and courteous to others at all times.
    • Be productive and participate.
    • Bring all required materials to class
    • Good words or no words.


    Contact Information:  Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.  I will be most accessible by email at lauren.mauldin@cabarrus.k12.nc.us.  I can also be reached by phone at the school number 704.260.6690 ext. 44137.