• A course failure means your final grade for the semester was a 59% or below.   There are several options to consider when you have failed a course...


I failed a core class, now what?

  • If you failed a core class (English, Math, Science, or Social Studies) there are two options*:   

    • If your final grade was between a 50-59%, credit recovery may be an option.   Credit recovery you may be given the opportunity to earn the credit via a shortened, online Credit Recovery (CR) course.  Credit recovery must take place the semester immediately following the course failure.   Students completing CR for a failed course will earn grade of P (pass).  College-bound athletes are discouraged from considering this option, as courses that earn the grade of P (pass) will not factor into GPA and may not meet NCAA eligibilty policies.  
    • If your final grade was below a 50%, the course must be repeated to earn credit.   All efforts are made to ensure the class is re-taken the next semester.   In special circumstance, it may be the following year.    


    *see your school counselor for more information on your options and unique educational needs

I failed an elective course, now what?

  • If you failed an elective course, there are two options:*

    • Is the course required for graduation (i.e. Health/PE, career cluster completer)?    You must repeated the course as soon as possible
    • Is this course a non-required elective?   you have the option to repeat the course or not.


    *see your school counselor for more information on your options and unique educational needs

Last Modified on January 20, 2018