Sat. May 12, 2018 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Hickory Ridge High School Parking Lot near the Football Stadium!!!

    Enter your AWESOME car or truck to show!!!  Judging and prizes!!! 

    Hotdogs and Hamburgers!!!  

    Entry Fee - Pre-registration $20 Day of Show $25

    Contact:  michael.dye@cabarrus.k12.nc.us

    Susan Fox - 704-502-9852

    Chris Haigler - 704-787-1971

    VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help before, during, after the car show!  Please contact Susan or Chris or Mike Dye.

    Come enjoy some great looking cars and good food while supporting the HRHS Bible Classes!

    Car Show Flyer


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    HR BIBLE TEACHING ASSOCIATION - A volunteer group of anyone who desires to help keep Bible classes offered at HRHS.  

    Please join us:

    1st Mondays 2018  -  Harrisburg YMCA - 7-8pm

    Come and help plan ways to KEEP Bi-Bull Classes at HRHS! New comers are welcome!!

    Contact for more info:

    David Threatt - 704-506-3613  HRBTA President

    Susan Fox - 704-502-9852  HRBTA Secretary

    Michael Dye michael.dye@cabarrus.k12.nc.us  - Bible Teacher

    *The Bible Classes don't exist without community support!

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Last Modified on May 9, 2018