Student Initiated Action and Service

  • We want to know how you are taking action!

    Action can be BIG or small. Click here to submit an action proposal.

    Check out this video to see our action board and learn about the ways IB learners can take action.



    Adopt a Tree

    Students in Sra Reyes' class adopted a tree in a National Park in Colombia, South America.


    The Naturalists

    Addie, Amilya, and Fayelynn are natural born naturalists! They want to share their love of nature with other wildcats. They have designed a slideshow to teach other students about animals and human impact on our world!



    WWW - Weddington Weekly on Wednesdays

    Abigail, Grace, Ali, and Kaylee are publishing weekly news to share with K-5 classes. Their news includes IB + P2 4 U, the lunch menu, events, comics, and jokes!

    Happy Helpers

    Kari, Kelsey, Jonathan, and MaryVictoria are volunteering to serve as reading buddies, teacher aides, or tutors for our early years' learners. They are available in the mornings to help students unpack and get ready for the day!

    WHES Recycling Team

    Students in Mr. Osborne's class are taking action by re-starting our recycling program. They will empty class recycling bins each Wednesday morning. Please place paper only in your class recycling bins.


    The Nature Club

    Mrs. Highsmith is leading the way to beautiful gardens with a campus clean-up. The wildcat volunteers and their families took action by getting their hands dirty and making our natural areas bloom!

    WHES Food Pantry

    Did you know that we always accept non-perishable food items for our school's food pantry? Our guidance counselors manage our pantry and SLA members help organize and bag food for those in need.


    Kindness Club

    Students in Mrs. Montagud's class wanted to start a kindness club. They leave notes of encouragement for classmates on their desks. One note said, "You are doing a great job being a leader for your team."

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    Healthy Habits

    After learning about health and nutrition during the IB unit, Who We Are, this wildcat designed an informational poster about water habits to encourage everyone to stay hydrated!


    Pet Toy Collection

    This 1st grade wildcat has a heart for pets and wants to collect pet toys!

    Kindness Counts

    Ms. Soper's class is taking action in many different ways! From giving out extra supplies to making cards and bookmarks, these students are caring and love helping others!


    Bills and Books

    Maggie and Kaniya are taking action by holding a book exchange. Bring a book, take a book. Look for the donation boxes and make sure your books are appropriate for elementary students.

    Bills and Books

    Stock the Pantry in October

    Emory and Paker are leading the 4th grade food drive in October. Please donate rice, pasta, cereals, canned fruit, canned veggies, canned chicken and tuna, peanut butter, pancake mix, dried beans, and paper products.


    Spread Kindness

    Kenzie is leading a kindness campaign with Caroline, Camerson, Brigitte, McKenna, and Hayden. Write a kind note and place it in the big envelope outside Mrs. Caskey’s room. Kenzie and friends will collect and pass out the kind notes to make people’s day!


    Trash Clean-Up

    Mrs. Bryant's 3rd graders are keeping our playground clean! They are taking action by particpating in a campus clean-up. Please do your part to put trash in its place.


    Pet Food Drive

    Porter, Jackson, and Jayden are collecting pet food for our local animal shelter. Please donate cat and dog food in November. Look for donation boxes around the school.


    WHES Clothes Closet

    Alec, Griffin, Miles and Ethan are collecting gently used sweatpants, leggings, and athletic shorts for our clothes closet. Please take a minute to clean out your closet and donate to ours!


    Cards for Kindness

    Sandra, Kenzie, and Layla in Mrs. Treadaway's class are creating cards for hospital patients. If you'd like to design a get well card, drop it off by Mrs. Treadaway's room.



    Reading Buddy

    Corben in Mrs. Robles' class is taking action! His is using his reading skills to be a reading buddy! Way to go!


    Stock the Pantry

    Jackson and Daughton and helping to stock our food pantry. Thank you WHES Wildcats for your generous donations!


    M & B's Card Company

    Maggie and Brooklyn in Mrs. King's class are starting a card company. If you need a get well or birthday card, sign up outside Mrs. King's door and they will deliver a card to your classroom the next day.


    Adopt a Pet

    Taleen,Talia,Tala, Emma, and Javonna are taking action by creating an awareness of pet adoption. Click here to see their slides and the pets they adopted from The Humane Society!


    Wildcats Read!

    Jada and Natalie are creating reading videos to share with other students. Way to go putting your reading skills in action!

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    Please donate your gently worn t-shirts so we can turn them into something new! Instead of throwing away your clothes, keep them out of the landfill and help us create upcycled products.



    Community Service Projects

    Former WHES Wildcat, Bella Bryant, held a spaghetti dinner fundraiser as part of her 8th grade IB community service project. She raised enough money to purchase over 600 books to donate to the K-2 students at WHES. Way to go Bella!


    HE Winkler Middle School 8th graders have partnered with WHES 5th graders for a pen-pal exchange. Another former WHES Wildcat, Laurel Keasler, is working on virtual reading support for our 3rd graders.

    Canned Food Drive, March-April 2021

    Our annual Global Night kicked off a school-wide service project to collect canned food for a local food pantry. 


    Do Good From Home, February-April 2021

    In honor of Earth Day, April 22nd, all CCS IB schools worked together to take actions from home like recycling, planting flowers, or picking up litter. At WHES, we collected bottle caps that will be used to create an art mural from recycled objects. The WHES Student Leadership Advisory made wind spinners out of plastic bottles too!

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    Mystery Readers

    Through a partnership with the West Cabarrus High School Beta Club, our kindercats were able to participate in Friday virtual read-alouds. Our high school friends took book suggestions and even read books in Spanish and English.



    Gratitude Gallery

    The WHES Student Leadership Advisory members created a virtual gallery with positive messages to share with our school community. 

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    Bully Prevention Month, October 2020

    The WHES Student Leadership Advisory members worked with our guidance counselors to share messages of unity during morning meetings through a slideshow.



    International Peace Day, Sept. 21, 2020

    The WHES Student Leadership Advisory members worked together to record a catch and release video using MS Teams in our remote setting. Ms. Roberts created an original song for peace day and the video was shared with the school community in support of peace around the world.




    Give and Take Table

    Hannah, Natalie, Quinby and Layla are taking action by getting school supplies into the hands of students who need them. If you need supplies, stop by the Give and Take Table Wednesday mornings in the front lobby or back area near the cafeteria. You may also donate supplies to pay it forward for someone else.

    pic     Watch our video to learn more

    Kindness Club

    Piper, a new Wildcat, is already taking action by starting a Kindness Club. Members will spread kindness and collect items for people in need.

    Clothing Drive

    Tripp, Edmond and Piper, along with the Kindness Club, will be holding a donation drive for clothes and shoes Nov.-Dec. to go to the Junior Charity League and The Salvation Army.


    Pet Adoption

    Alec, Griffin, Allyson, Emory and Olivia from Mrs. Webber's 2nd Grade Class are collecting supplies for the Poplar Animal Hospital. They'd also like to encourage everyone to adopt a pet.


    Helping Brothers

    Braylen, Ethan and Edmond would like to offer peer support. If someone is having problems, come talk to them. They will help offer strategies to solve problems in a positive way.


    Tacos for Life and Feed My Starving Children

    WHES staff and students volunteered to pack thousands of meals for the needy.


    Help the Humane Society

    Pearl and Chloe are collecting gently used or new sneakers to be donated to Ruth’s Memorial. The sneakers are turned in for money which is used to buy pet food and medicine.


    On the Go

    Emma, Hannah and Layla are volunteering to deliver papers for teachers each Thursday morning. Let them know if you need help!


    Donate to the Concord Homeless Shelter

    Reese and Preslie are collecting canned food and cereal Dec. 9-13.




    Toys for Tots

    Mexaly, Genesis and Jasmin are taking action by collecting new, unwrapped toys for boys and girls. There will be a collection box in the front lobby Dec. 10-14. Please donate and make a child's holiday special.

    Student Video


    Be an UPSTANDER!

    Yoel in 4th grade took action by being an up-stander instead of a bystander. If you see something that isn’t right, tell an adult to help make a change.


    Helping the Humane Society

    Cheyenne, Hayden and Clara in 4th grade are taking action with a donation drive for The Humane Society. Help dogs and cats in our community by donating pet food, pet toys and blankets Oct. 24-Dec. 18.


    Color Cycle It!

    Girl Scout Troop 1296 is taking action by starting a marker recycling program at the Hills. Donate your dried-up markers instead of adding them to the land fill. See the collection boxes on the way to the playground.


    Tools for Teachers

    Matthew, a 4th grader, collected school supplies over the summer for the 4th grade teachers and their students. Donations included paper, hand sanitizer, tissues, head phones, notebooks and other needed items. Way to take ACTION and show kindness for others!



    A New Chapter, May 21-28

    Ava and Ella from Ms. Montgomery’s class are holding a book drive May 21-28. Please donate gently used books appropriate for students in K through 5th grade to the collection box.


    Throwing Kindness Like Confetti, April 23-27, 2018

    Ketzaly, Emily and Kara want to spread kindness on campus by asking students to fill out kind notes and they will deliver them.


    Autism Awareness Month, April 2018

    Lucy and Sophia supported Autism Awareness with posters and a party held with the AU classes. Sophia raised $40 with a neighborhood stand and the donations were used for the AU party.


    Food Drive, Feb. 26-March 2

    Gavin in 4th grade is taking action with a food drive to collect non-perishable food items for families in need. A collection box will be in the front lobby. Donations will be going to Crossroads Church for their backpack buddy food program.


    Clothes and Shoes Donation Drive, Jan. 16-Feb. 16

    Hayden, Rebecca, and Sydney in 5th grade are holding a donation drive to collect new or almost new children's clothes and shoes. A collection box will be outside of Ms. Soper's classroom. Donations will go to Crisis Assistance Ministry to help those in our local community.

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    Banners for Levine’s Children’s Hospital

    Lucy, Sophia, Makayla, Jillian & Caroline in 5th grade decorated a banner for students who are hospital bound. Caroline passed the finished banner to her mom who works there.


    Staff Action

    WHES staff took action during their holiday party this year! The Jingle Mingle included time for food and fun plus card-making for the residents at our local nursing home, food donations for Cooperative Christian Ministry and toy donations for Toys for Tots. Staff also held a cookie exchange and signed up to help with Meals on Wheels.

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    3rd Graders as Guest Speakers

    3rd grade experts shared their experiences from their fieldtrip to downtown Concord government offices and the airport with 2nd graders who studied the community.

     3rd graders

    Operation Christmas Child

    Mrs. Harwood's 1st graders donated toys, school supplies and hygiene items. They packed shoeboxes that will be shipped around the world to children in need.


    Toys for Tots, Nov. 14- Dec. 4

    Molly from Ms. Koral's class is taking action by partnering with CCS Building Services and Toys for Tots. Please donate NEW, unwrapped toys during the weeks of Nov. 14-Dec. 4. Collection boxes are in the front lobby and outside Ms. Koral's classroom.

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    Donations for Humane Society, Nov. 16-21

    Ella and Serena from Mrs. Montgomery's class are taking action by collecting pet food, toys and treats for our local animal shelters. Please donate at PTO Night of the Arts or through Nov. 21. A collection box will be located outside Mrs. Montgomery's classroom.


    Inquiry Beyond the Classroom

    Carissa from Mr. Helms' class took action by doing something. She graphed her Halloween candy. She is also conducting an independent inquiry on historical places in Cabarrus County and plans to share her photos and videos with classmates soon.

    Chasitee from Mrs. Linderman's class took action by sharing her knowledge. She created a tri-fold display to share her research on Henry Ford. This was not a school project or requirement but something Chasitee wanted to do to take her learning to the next step.

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    Food Drive Sept. 11-15

    Lucy, Sophia and Lindsay from Ms. Koral and Ms. Montgomery’s 5th grade classes are taking action by collecting canned food and pantry items for a local food bank. Please donate during the week of Sept. 11-15. A collection box will be located outside of Ms. Koral’s classroom.

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    School Supply Drive

    Jaidyn Covington from Ms. Treadaway’s 4th grade class took ACTION by collecting school supplies. His donations helped out many students who needed supplies.


    Dalaisa McQueen in Ms. Treadaway’s 4th grade class took ACTION by being responsible. She waited with a kindergarten student who was lost until her parents arrived.



    KidKnit Hats - April

    Quinton and Kris from Mrs. Norman's class are taking action by knitting hats for a local shelter. They purchased yarn and supplies through KidKnit which provides income to families in Chile, Rwanda, and Kenya. The wool is spun by hand and the tags are made from recycled aluminum from Kenya.

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    The Book Xchange – March 13-17

    Brady and Lucas are taking action with The Book Xchange!!! For 3rd-5th graders, simply turn in a used book along with a survey on what kinds of books you like and they’ll find you another book to read based on your requests.


    Rock Buddies

    Jahnia, Chelsy and Hailey from Ms. Norman’s class are making rock buddies as a token of appreciation and kindness in February. They are painting rocks and writing positive words and attitudes on them to share with others at WHES.


    Food Drive for The Flock

    Anisha and Ava from Mrs. McComas' 4th grade class are taking action by collecting canned foods the week of January 9-13. Collection boxes will be outside Mrs. McComas' door and the front office. Donations will go to the Flock Preschool's Food Pantry.


    Public Service Announcement - PSA for Pets

    Grace, Samantha and Aashyah from Mrs. Norman's 4th grade class would like to encourage people to adopt a pet from an animal shelter. If you're looking for a pet, please consider adoption from your local animal shelter.

    picture             Watch our PSA

    RAK Club - January through June

    Jillian and Layla are starting a Random Acts of Kindness club. They will be creating kindness calendars to distribute to classes to promote random acts of kindness in our school, at home and in the community.


    Toys for Tots - December

    Molly, Rebecca, and Kassidi in Mrs. Harwood's class want to take action by making sure everyone is aware of the Toys for Tots drop off locations in our area. They would like to remind everyone to drop off toys for those less fortunate.


    Letters of Encouragement - November 28-December 2

    Serena in Mrs. McComas' class is collecting notes and letters of encouragement for children living in foster care. These notes will be wrapped together with mittens, hats, gloves and scarves and donated to the residents of The Children's Home.


    Tis the Season for Giving...and Pajamas 11/29-12/20/2016 - The Kindergarten Team is collecting pajamas. Scholastic books will donate a book along with each pair of pajamas to a localorganization.

    Mittens, Hats, and Scarves - November 28-December 2

    Cecelia, Emma, and Hannah from Ms. Barbour's 4th grade class will be collecting mittens, gloves, hats and scarves for The Children's Home on Orphanage Road. Look for collection boxes coming soon. All sizes of gloves are needed.


    A and A Pet Takeover - November 9-22

    Ashley and Abby in Ms. Kelly's 5th grade class will be collecting pet food, pet toys, and treats for Ruth's Memorial and Princeton's Meow of The Humane Society. Collection boxes will be located in the front lobby and by Ms. Kelly's room. You may also bring donations to the PTO Night of the Arts on November 17th.


    Socktober in October

    Third graders are leading the action project in October to collect socks. All sizes of socks are needed and collection boxes can be found in the 3rd grade hall.


    Lemonade for Learning - September

    Miles, in Ms. Hall's 2nd grade classroom, set up a lemonade stand in his neighborhood to raise money. He collected enough money for water, meals and school supplies for a child at Brighton Academy in Ethiopia. Mrs. Webber was just one of his supporters! Way to go Miles for taking action to support learning around the world!

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    Levine Children's Hospital - September 14-23

    Lindsay, Lucy, Sydney, and Keegan in 4th grade collected books and toys for The Levine's Children's Hospital in September. They also raised $15 during the Back 2 School Bash to donate to the hospital. Thank you for taking action through service to others!


    Upcycling - August

    Ellie and Ava in Mrs. Moore's 3rd grade class learned about pre-cycling, recycling, and upcycling. As a result, they turned a chicken nugget box into a tissue box and an orange juice bottle into a hand sanitizer dispenser. Way to go girls! Thank you for upcycling instead of adding trash to our landfills.


    Buddy Bench

    Lily Witte held a bake sale last year to earn money for her Girl Scout project. She spent the summer building a buddy bench for our playground. The buddy bench is a way for students to find friends to play with during recess. Thank you Lily for being caring and taking action!



    Caps 4 Care

    Kaitlyn, Laurel, and Jamileth in Ms. Kelly's class are taking action by collecting plastic bottle caps. The caps will be recycled to help pay for a friend's medical costs. To donate, place your plastic bottle caps in the box outside Ms. Kelly's room.


    Tis the Season for Giving...and Pajamas 11/30-12/11/2015- The Kindergarten Team is collecting pajamas. Scholastic books will donate a book along with each pair of pajamas to a local organization.

    5th Grade Food Drive 12/11-18/2015 and 1/4-8/2016- Noah, Kaitlyn, Laurel, Sean, Jaime, and Luis in Ms. Kelly's class along with Ms. Darcangelo are taking action by collecting non-perishable food items for a local food bank. 


    Secret Scented Santa 12/16-12/18/2015 - Buy a smencil at Whisker’s Warehouse to donate to a child. There will be a basket to put your donated items in at the Whisker’s Warehouse.


    Anna Claire, Margaret Jane and Riley from Ms. Ratliff’s class

    WildCat Book Swap

    Jamileth and Sabrina from Ms. Kelly's class took action by hosting a week-long book swap. Students brought a book from home to swap for another book. Extra books were donated to The Children's Home on Orphanage Road.


    Some Change for our Community


    "As part of our IB unit of "How We Organize Ourselves", the kindergarten classes at Weddington Hills read "A Chair For My Mother" and discussed how we can help others in need.  A student suggested gathering supplies for the Church of God Children's Home, and a service project was born!  Over the next several days, kindergarten students raised money to purchase supplies and send in materials from the site's wish list.  An entire truckload of supplies was collected and the orphanage was delighted at the unexpected donation. Thanks Kindergarten are caring and empathetic!" - Ms. Ober

    Earth Day Challenge

    Katie P. in Mr. Eberhardt's class is challenging wildcats to reach 100 actions to protect our Earth. Pick up a challenge, take action, and snap a photo. Turn in your photos to the basket outside Mr. Eberhardt's room.


    Caring for The Cats

    Anna Claire in Ms. Knudsen's class took action by collecting donations and supplies for Princeton's Meow of the Humane Society of Concord. She's been volunteering at Princeton's Meow for the past three years and organized a school service project to create awareness for cat adoption.  Princeton's Meow is located at 29 Brookwood Ave NE, Concord, NC 28025.  For more information, visit their webpage at

    Congratulations to the top donating classes - Ms. Barbour's, Ms. Norman's, and Ms. Knudsen's Classes

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    Donations for Dogs November 3-14, 2014

    Alexis in Ms. King's class is taking action in November by collecting supplies for dogs at the Humane Society of Concord and Greater Cabarrus County.  Alexis has a tradition of asking friends to bring donations instead of presents on her birthday.  For more information, contact the The Human Society of Concord, 2010 Wilshire Court SW, Concord, NC 28025.

    Clothing Drive December 1-5, 2014

    Rylee in Ms. Knudsen's class and Laila in Ms. James' class are partnering to take action in December.  They both want to collect new or gently used children's clothing and shoes for the Alexander Foster Home.  You may make a donation in honor of a loved one as a holiday gift and receive a card.

    Loom Bracelets

    Mishka and Casius in Ms. James' class have been taking action by making loom bracelets for a friend with cancer.

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    Operation Christmas Child

    As part of learning about how to help the community, Ms. Hunter's 1st grade class is collecting shoeboxes, small new toys, toiletries, and donations for postage to create shoeboxes to donate to Operation Christmas Child. Donations are due by Nov. 10. 

    Donations from the Heart

    Corinne and Gabrielle from Ms. Ratliff's 5th grade class organized a toy drive after winter break.  The toys they collected were donated to a local charity.

    Giving and Getting Hearts

    Katie in Ms. Knudsen's 4th grade class is taking action with a secret buddy card exchange in February. Students may send someone a compliment or kind words to brighten their day and make them feel special by writing their message on a heart. Katie will deliver the messages throughout the month.

Last Modified on May 5, 2023