World History Announcements

  • Welcome to Mrs. Pleasants' World History Page!

    You will find helpful resources, class notes, reading assignments, and review materials organized below. This page is updated frequently so please visit often to access new materials.


     Instructional materials for this course have now been moved to CANVAS. Lessons and assignments are arranged in weekly modules in the World History Canvas course. Please refer to your Canvas World History course for the most recent information. 



    Student Reminders:

    Late Work MAY be submitted to Mrs. Pleasants to recouperate up to 70% of the possible points.

    Test Corrections MUST be both ACCURATE and COMPLETE to receive full credit. Up to 10 points will be added back to test scores for corrections.


     “Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words. Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior. Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits. Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi


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World History Useful Links and Documents

World History Useful Links and Documents

Unit 1: Civilization - How it all began...

Cradles of Civilization

Unit 2: Classical Empires

Ancient Greece
Rome Map

Unit 2 Part 3 Classical Asia

Unit 3: Dark Ages and Golden Ages - The Islamic World

Unit 4: Calamity and Change - Middle Ages

Medieval Europe

Unit 5: Renaissance and Reformation

Unit 6: Age of Exploration

Unit 7: Innovation and Revolutions

Unit 8: Global Conflict and Interdependence

World History Final Exam Review Resources

Last Modified on March 30, 2023