Phone: 704-260-6570


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts, English, Anna Maria College Master of Arts, English, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte National Board Certification, English Language Arts

Eric Olsen

The New York Times has called him "Brilliant, Mesmerizing and Transcendent"... *
Italian model and actress Monica Bellucci knows him as, "The one that got away..."
Billionaire investor Warren Buffett proclaims, "Eric Olsen taught me everything I know!" **
Ernest Hemingway declared him, "The only writer I've ever been jealous of..." *** 
He was #101 on People's list of "The 100 Most Beautful People"...
*404 File not found
** Hearsay
*** Quote taken out of context and many years prior to Olsen's birth
Eric M Olsen graduated Magna Cum Laude with a B.A. in English from Anna Maria College in Massachusetts - the year doesn't matter. He minored in Philosophy. He is also a National Board Certified Teacher and holds a Masters in English with a Literature Emphasis from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (literally "holds it" - it's in a frame and he sometimes watches t.v. with it). Furthermore, Mr. Olsen has recently written a novel - but refuses to show it to anyone (yet). He is currently teaching STEM English 2 Honors and AP Literature and Composition at Central Cabarrus High School. Oh, he's also an adjunct professor at Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte. 
He has studied Shakespeare in England (Stratford and London) and done workshops with The Royal Shakespeare Company, Actors from the London Stage, and The Globe Theatre Company. He has been inside the Houses of Parliament, sat in on a session in the House of Lords, and had a snack with a Baroness - because he knows people who know people. He knows what the actual throne of England (the one you don't see on the telly) looks like.
In his spare time, Mr. Olsen enjoys (in no particular order) playing with his dog Otis, playing with his two children, laying about in various postures of relaxation, mountain biking, playing guitar, staring off into space or at the television, taoist nap-taking, pondering existential questions, boating, hiking, camping, swimming (if necessary), reading, fishing, writing, eating, cooking (if necessary), frisbee throwing and retrieving, skydiving, chess, disc golf, film, and various other useful and useless pursuits. 

He tried Yoga once. Then he tried it again for several years.
He possesses an extremely sharp wit and a very dry, irreverent sense of humor.
He also likes writing at length about himself in the third person.
If you enjoyed his class he offers the following suggestions for further reading:

A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

Anything by Shakespeare 

The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff 

  • While you're here, please take a minute to fill out the parent/guardian information form!

  • Teaching Schedule: Fall 2020

    First Period: Planning

    Second Period: English II STEM Honors

    Third Period: English II STEM Honors 

    Fourth Period: AP Literature and Composition

  • Canvas - Learning Management System

    Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) that Cabarrus County Schools will be using this school year. All course materials and instructional resources are readily accessible in Canvas. Moreover, Canvas will be used as my primary means of communication with students and families in the form of announcements. Instructions for parent and student access to Canvas can be found below.

    Students - Go to and enter your school computer username and password (click Login)

    Parents - Refer to the Document Tab (Left Side of Page) and download the Canvas Instructions for Parents File

  • Here's the link to an Open House video and the MS Teams synchronous Open House meeting