Horticulture and Animal Science



Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Agricultural Education Minor in Horticulture

Ms. Melanie Parker

FFA Advisor (alongside Ms. Walker) & Hunter Safety Coach 

Welcome to Animal Science and Horticulture here at Central Cabarrus! I am excited to be working with the students here at Central. Currently on campus we have 5 animals at our barn. We have 4 goats named Derek, Goose, Nova, and Bambi. We also have a pig named Spooky. This school year we will be utilizing Canvas for all classwork and activities. 

I am originally from Union County and went to school at North Carolina State University getting a degree in Agriculture Education with a minor in Horticulture. I enjoy spending time outside in our yard planting flower gardens in front of the house. 

Fall Semester Schedule

1st: Planning 

2nd: Animal Science II Companion 

3rd: Agriscience Applications 

4th: Horticulture I Reg & Honors 

Spring Semester Schedule 

1st: Horticulture I & II  

2nd: Planning  

3rd: Animal Science II Food  

4th: Animal Science II Food  


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