• Elementary Education

    (360) 473-1061 
    Director of Elementary Education and Special Programs 
     elementary children
    As part of our District's strategic plan to increase achievement, we have adopted a new reading curriculum, Reading Wonders (K-5) and will pilot Eureka Math.  Both of these will provide our teachers with current core curriculum that is aligned to what every student is required to know and be able to do at each grade level. Both programs were selected by our teachers after reviewing research and analyzing our trend data on the specific achievement needs of our students.  Many of our families are excited about the family component that allows more family engagement in the educational process.
    The curriculum is a critical component but only one piece of the achievement puzzle. We have expanded our professional development for teachers and principals with an emphasis on the emotional and  behavioral components of teaching and learning.  All our preschools and elementary teacher teams and principals participated in Randy Sprick's Safe and Civil Schools training and some our schools attended the three day conference.  Our goal is to support student's behavior through a positive, respectful continuum of school-wide, classroom and small group teaching and interventions.
    Please let me know if you require additional information. Have a great school year!