
    Student and staff safety remains a top priority in the Bremerton School District.  Every Bremerton school, along with all other schools in Kitsap County, has safety plans in place to address issues that may occur while on campus. Staff members are organized and have training in the following areas:

      • Incident Command
      • First Aid
      • Evacuation
      • Fire & Utilities
      • Damage Assessment
      • Student/Staff Supervision
      • Search & Rescue
      • Student/Parent Reunion

    The District has strong partnerships with the Bremerton Police Department as well as the Bremerton Fire Department and we train with them on a variety of emergency situations.

    Additionally, Kitsap County Department of Emergency Management coordinates their countywide planning with all law enforcement, fire, medical, military, and school organizations so that an effective team can be put in place immediately should an emergency arise.

    Our students and staff routinely practice fire, earthquake, and other lockdown drills every month. Communication plans are in place to let you know the latest information about our schools as quickly as possible. These include:

      • The emergency “snow notification” system on radio and television.
      • A radio network system among all our buildings so the central office can communicate with each building even when students and staff have evacuated.
      • A central office staff that supports building staff and is ready to answer telephone calls from parents so that teachers and principals can take care of students.

    We have quality, trained teachers, office and support staff, and administrators who care about your children and each other. Our staff is familiar with their school and its surroundings.  

    You can help by doing the following:

      • Have an emergency plan in place at your home that you and your children know. Make sure they have a back-up plan in case you are not able to be home for them.
      • Learn more by clicking on the related links listed below.
      • Keep checking this page for updated information.


    Our goal is to focus on our mission of quality learning for all students and to have our school days as normal as possible.  

    Related Links:

    For additional information, please contact the Supervisor of School Safety & Support at 360-473-1003 or by emailing patty.glaser@bremertonschools.org

Last Modified on March 9, 2022