• Child Find

  •  For Ages 3-5 

    Identification and Evaluation: If you think your pre-school child, ages 3-5, may have a significant delay in communication, motor, social and/or problem-solving skills, you can request a Child Find appointment.  
    Child Find Flyer
    Please contact Wendy Merrill to schedule an appointment at 360.473.1008.
  • For Ages 5-21

    Identification and Evaluation: If you live within the Bremerton School District boundaries and are concerned that your child may have a disability, please contact our Special Services Department and we will connect you with the appropriate Bremerton School District screening/evaluation team.

    Child Find Services Can Include:
    • Individual Education Plans (IEP)
    • Speech and language
    • Audiological services Occupation and physical therapy
    • A continuum of special services that support our students who may be struggling in school

    Please contact Kelsey McCreary to discuss your child's academic and/or social needs 360-473-1011.