Title II Part A – Teacher and Principal Quality. The fundamental purpose of the Title II Section is to ensure learning experiences and support services are provided for educators that promote quality instruction for student learning. The ultimate goal is to increase student academic learning and achievement. The section operates on the principles of high-quality professional development through close connections and partnerships with other federal and state programs and initiatives for teachers, para-educators, and administrators.

    The Title II Part A program of ESSA Every Child Succeeds Act of 2015 is the cornerstone of the section. This federal program provides funds to school districts to promote teacher and principal quality through strategies such as high-quality professional development in core subject areas and the development of mechanisms and initiatives to promote the retention and hiring of highly qualified teachers and principals.

    The Bremerton School District involves building and district-wide instructional coaches to provide job-embedded staff development, model teaching, lesson design, help with data analysis, coach and differentiated instruction in the area of math, reading, and science. 

    In addition, we are using the Multi-Tiered System of support to reach students prior to and after identification for special education and other services.