Community Use of Playgrounds & Facilities
The fencing/ gates at all of our schools are a part of a safety and security plan the District began implementing in 2020, which also includes renovations to our school entry ways to provide for a single-point of entry for each building. The safety improvements are funded by a one-year capital levy that was approved by voters in February 2019 for collection in 2020.
During the school year:
1) The gates are locked during the school day and access to the school is through the main entrance only.
2) The gates are unlocked after school hours starting at 4:30 p.m.
During the summer:
The entry gates may be closed, but they are unlocked 24-7, unless a short-term closure of a limited area is necessary for maintenance work. If we close facilities, we will post information on our website and Facebook account and if we anticipate an extended maintenance closure we'll post signs).
If a community member encounters a locked gate at any of our facilities, please contact the District Facilities Department at 360-473-0506. Please include the location and dates as this will help us get the gates unlocked or identify any issues. Thank you!