• Early Childhood


    Bremerton School District Special Programs

    Leaders in Early Childhood Care & Education
    Contact Us At 360.473.1061


    Our Early Childhood Care and Education Group (ECCE) is commited to providing high quality early learning opportunities for every child!


    Bremerton School District is proud of its Early Learning Programs. In 2001, Bremerton launched a community-wide plan to increase Kindergarten readiness and made it a district priority to have all children reading at grade level by the end of third grade. Under this new initiative called the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) group, the District joined forces with area Head Start Programs, preschools, and child care providers. The District is now able to offer access to an Instructional Coach, reading curriculum, math and STEM materials, staff development opportunities, and child test results to our partners.

    Working together, this partnership has resulted in marked gains in achievement and has provided children with a better quality education.


    Child Care Aware:

    Child Care Aware: Helping Families Experiencing Homelessness Find Free or Low-Cost Quality Childcare



     Early Childhood Education is part of our State and Federal Programs Department

    Julie Fairall, Assistant Director of State and Federal Programs, julie.fairall@bremertonschools.org

    Karen Rommen, Supervisor Special Programs,  karen.rommen@bremertonschools.org