• Frequently Asked Questions
    What if my child is having difficulty with reading and/or math?   children reading
    Bremerton School District provides additional support for all elementary students that are struggling in reading or math at no cost.  At each elementary school Title I and LAP services provide tutoring, small group instruction and/or extended learning opportunities.  Please contact your schools Title I teacher regarding math and the LAP Reading Specialist for reading and writing for more details.  Reading Mastery is used at Bremerton School District, it is a direct instruction reading program that is highly effective when used with students that are struggling in the area of reading. 
     School  Title I
    LAP Reading Specialists
     Armin Jahr  Sonja Sylvanus  Kristi Gile
     Crownhill  Kathryn Freedman  Sheri Kistner
     Kitsap Lake   Hilah Cochrane  Tracy Baltutat
     Naval Ave Katie Exum  Paula Rupel
     View Ridge  Julie Morse  Nancy Braunz
     West Hills S.T.E.M.  Desiree Hall  Chris Drebick
     What if my child is considered highly capable?
    Bremerton School District has services for students that are highly capable.  Please check see the link for the Highly Capable program.  Please contact your school principal for more information. 
    What if my family is struggling to find a consistent place to live?
    Your family may qualify for McKinney Vento services.  Please talk to your school interventionist or call Special Programs at 360-473-1077 to find out more information.
    What if my child has a learning disability or I suspect my child has a disability?
    Bremerton School District provides screening, assessments and specialized instruction for children that require these services.  Please contact the school psychologist for more information or to make a referral.  You may also call the Special Education department at 360-473-1008 or visit the link to our Special Education department.
     School  Psychologist
     Armin Jahr  Emily Kinnear
     Crownhill  Laura Salidivar
     Kitsap Lake   Brittany McNeal
     Naval Avenue  Emily Kinnear
     View Ridge  Brittany McNeal
     West Hills S.T.E.M.  Laura Salidivar
    Where can I get information about Kindergarten?
    Kindergarten fair  
    Bremerton School District offers free full day Kindergarten for children that are age 5 ready to start Kindergarten. Please check our web page on Kindergarten information and registration.  
    We also have a Kindergarten and Preschool Fair once a year in the early spring. The fair has all kinds of information for parents and activities for children entering Kindergarten or preschool, check our web page here for more information.  Each of our elementary schools can answer questions about Kindergarten and would be happy to schedule a visit, check with the office staff.
     School  Office Coordinator
     Armin Jahr
     Crownhill  Melissa Smith
     Kitsap Lake  Suzanne Wilson
     Naval Avenue  Katie Fischer
     View Ridge  Cheryl Graham
     West Hills S.T.E.M.  Ami Looker
    How can I help my child throughout the year with fun learning activities at home? 
    bookflix banner  
    We have available to all our students the new Scholastic BookFLIX, a online literacy resource that pairs classic video storybooks from Weston Woods with related nonfixtion ebooks from scholastic to build a love of reading and learning.  BookFLIX reinforces early reading skills and introduces children to a world of knowledge and exploration.
    As part of early reading efforts, Bremerton School District now offers BookFLIX for Kindergarten through third grade attending our elementary schools. 
    For more information and to obtain the passcode, please contact your schools Information Specialist at your school.
     School     Information Specialist
     Armin Jahr  Kelly Carr
     Crownhill  Sheilagh Flanagan DiCicco
     Kitsap Lake  Tara Cleveland
     Naval Avenue  Katie Exum
     View Ridge  Lynda Shipley
     West Hills S.T.E.M.  Val Sandell