• The Bremerton School District is endeavoring to create Our Beloved Community - a learning environment where all of our scholars feel cared for. A place absent of violence, bigotry, and hate.

    We believe that humans are holistic beings, and we must increase our awareness of our whole selves, in order to grow. If we are going to create a healthier, happier school climate, if we are going to close the achievement gap, if we are going to create competitive workers and forward thinking citizens, we are going to have to all work together, and strive to create our own "beloved community."

    With care and compassion driving us, partnered with the use of restorative practices, we will transform our schools.

    We at the Bremerton School District believe that if school officials, students, parents, and community all work together in a collaborative and inclusive manner, we can and will accomplish this.

Restorative Circles

  • We are using the restorative circle process where every voice within the circle will be heard.  Over the course of the school year, we will be holding monthly listening circles where all will have the opportunity to participate in-person and share their voice. If you would like to participate in a restorative circle, please contact Nyasha Jackson or China Cooper. 

    All restorative circles will be viewable on a Zoom webinar for community members to observe students, parents, teachers, administration, community members and organizations sharing their hopes and expectations for Bremerton Schools and our Beloved Community. Observers will have an opportunity to post questions and comments in the chat during the webinar.  

    Please join us in this endeavor as we work together to transform our schools using restorative practices, inclusivity, love and shared humanity.


  • Nyasha Jackson
    Bremerton High School Restorative Practices Coordinator

    China Cooper
    Mountain View Middle School Restorative Practices Coordinator

Upcoming Events

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  • View our Beloved Community Listening Circle #1 (June 2023)