• What Is Assistive Technology?

    Legal Definition:

    Assistive technology device means any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of a individuals with disabilities. 

    • Any: An AT device is anything!
    • item, piece of equipment, or product system: Synonyms of any.
    • whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized: Where does the AT come from? You can buy it, you can change it, your can make it.
    • increase, maintain, or improve: The standards of whether anything is AT: It must help a person stay the same (maintain) get a little better (improve) or get a lot better.
    • functional capabilities: If the outcome of AT is to enhance functional performance then where’s the evidence of what the person can do as a result of their AT use?
    • individuals with disabilities: The important focus of our work. 

    Adapted from Knowledge by Design, Inc. copyright 2004. Edyburn,m D.L.


  • For information or assistance with Assistive Technology contact

    Katrina Jones


    Lucy Dawson



AT Leadership Team

  • The AT Leadership Team consist of staff who attended a full day training on creating an AT team.  We meet quarterly to learn about Assistive Technology, explore District options and tools for students and set the protocol for exploring AT services for students in Bremerton.

    Each person takes a leadership role in their own building to create capacity district-wide for AT use, They are the “go-to” person; we are always looking for new members.  Ideally, each building would have 2 staff members on the team.

    • District:  Katrina Jones
    • Armin Jahr:  Danielle Williams
    • Kitsap Lake:  Maggie Bellanger
    • Naval Avenue:  Brooke Holst
    • West Hills:  Katrina Jones, Colleen Paris, JoAnn Fitch,
    • View Ridge:  Deborah Myers