Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
To establish a context for BYOD, we start with our district's Technology and Learning Mission Statement:It is the mission of the Bainbridge Island School District Technology Program,in partnership with the community,to support all students and all staff in the effective use of current and emerging technologiesas tools to live and learn, now and in the future.The Bainbridge Island School District (BISD) supplies the technology used by students and staff to conduct school work and business on a regular basis. Student technology users increase their comfort level with technology as they use more types of devices and use them on a frequent basis. The use of personally-owned devices can increase access to technology, in and out of the classroom. This helps students embrace emerging technologies and use technology effectively and efficiently. The practice of bringing a personally owned device to school for school work is called Bring Your Own Device or BYOD.To support technology use, the district offers the option of BYOD for students in grades 5-12 based on the educational program and what students need to meet learning goals. Classroom teachers determine the extent to which personally owned devices will benefit students. Participation in BYOD is completely voluntary for teachers and students. BYOD can not be required for teachers or for students. In most cases, the teacher will communicate information to students and their families about the opportunity for BYOD based on educational goals in the classroom. While students and parents sign a Responsible Use of Electronic Resources Agreement (see below) periodically during the K-12 career, teachers and their students may develop a classroom agreement to further clarify BYOD parameters. If at anytime, parents/guardians have questions about BYOD for their child, please contact your child's teacher or the school principal.The BISD has open wi-fi to support the use of personally owned devices on our campuses. All use of the BISD network must be in compliance with the district's policies and procedures.
Resources about BYOD in our district:
BYOD Fact Sheet FAQ:
What is Bring Your Own Device?
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) allows students to bring a personally owned computing device to school for educational purposes. Students can connect their device to the school district’s wireless Internet connection.
Why initiate BYOD?
Online resources and technology are essential to learning in today’s world. Students need to develop expertise in the use of technology devices and online resources. BYOD will provide increased access to the tools students use to locate information and learning resources, when and where they need them.
Who decides whether or not a student brings a personal device to school?
Parents choose to allow their child to bring or not to bring a device to school. Students choose to bring or not to bring their own device to school. Teachers decide if and when it is appropriate to use personally owned devices in class and during school activities. The ultimate decision for use in the classroom and in the school lies with the school staff and will be based on the educational needs and learning goals for students. If a device is brought to school, the student takes full responsibility for its safety and use as an educational resource tool. A student cannot be required to bring a personally owned device to school.
What access will students have to the Internet?
If a student brings a personally owned device to school, the student must use the school district’s Internet connection during school hours and school activities. Based on the Children’s Internet Act (CIPA), school districts are required to filter some content for students. The BISD wireless network will have the required filters in place.
Are guidelines provided for the use of technology resources at school?
All students and parent/guardians sign the BISD Electronic Resources User Agreement. This agreement outlines the responsibilities for safe and effective use of technology at school. The agreement and related school board policies are on the district’s website:
Where can families learn more about Internet safety?
You can learn about Internet safety resources on the school district’s website: