Technology Surveys

  • Survey and research data can be informative and helpful in planning for technology to support students and staff. Here are some sources of data that may be used for some of our technology planning and discussions.

    International, National or Regional Data Results 

    Each year, school districts voluntarily participate in a national level technology survey of parents, students, and teaching staff. Project Tomorrow produces reports and flyers summarizing the findings. The 1-page infographics are quite informative and provide a good starting place for technology discussions.

    Ed Tech Next, Driving K-12 Innovation:

    This new publication by the Consortium for Social Networking (CoSN) replaces the former Horizon Report by the National Media Consortium. The new publication will fall under the work of CoSN's "Ed Tech Next" reports. 

    Common Sense Media:

    Common Sense Media is an independent, non-profit that has many resources related to media, entertainment, and technology for families, educators, and students. Each year, Common Sense Media publishes surveys and reports about children's use of media and technology and the impact it has on their development.