• Elementary Gradebook Training - Advanced

    This is the do it yourself version of gradebook training. The benefit of doing it yourself is know more about how the gradebook is created. In this version you will be creating an ELA gradebook. With the background knowledge of creating an ELA gradebook you will need to create the rest of the gradebooks needed for the report card. However it may be better to start with only ELA and Math until you feel confident with using these two gradebooks.

    The gradebooks needed for the report card:




    Other Subjects

    Study Habits


  • Looking at the Report Card

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/8/2017

    We begin the process by looking at the report card and the standards we will be using.

    Click - Elementary Aeries 1 updated August 2017


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  • Logging into Aeries

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/7/2017

    Logging into Aeries.

    Click here Directions for Getting Started on Your Gradebook

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  • Creating and Setting Options

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/6/2017

    Creating and naming your grade book.

    Click here Creating and Setting Options


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  • Adding Students

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/4/2017

    What is a grade book good for if you don't have students. This will help you add students to your class.

    Click here -Adding Students


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  • Adding Assignments

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/3/2017

    This is the most important part and the special part of Elementary School. Each assignment, test, or project needs to be connected to a standard. This helps your gradebook feed into the report card at the end of a grading period.

    Click here Adding Assignment by Standard


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  • Giving Students Scores

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/2/2016

    After the assignments have been created by standard you are ready to input scores.

    Click Here - Giving Student Scores

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  • Looking at Scores by Class

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 8/1/2016

    As assignments are added to the gradebook an overall score will appear.

    Click here Viewing Overall Scores

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  • Final Grades

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 7/31/2016

    The final grades that the gradebook calculates can go straight through to the report card. That makes the report card a minor project instead of a major project. More information will be coming on this process. We are working simplifying the process.

    Click here - Final Marks


    Transferring a Gradebook to the Report Card
    Transferring a Gradebook to the Report Card

    This is for Elementary Teachers using the Aeries Gradebook. It describes how to transfer your gradebook scores to the report card.

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  • More To Come

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 7/30/2016

    Further information will be coming for ELD and other Gradebooks. I would suggest keeping your gradebooks simple as you are starting and focus on English Language Arts and Mathematics.

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