LCAP Overview

  • The LCAP is intended as a comprehensive planning tool to support student outcomes and is an important component of the local control funding formula (LCFF). Under the LCFF, all local educational agencies (LEAs) including school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 52060(d), 52066(d), and 47605.


    The Alvord Unified School District Local Control Accountability Plan was approved on June 22, 2023 after a public hearing on June 8, 2023. 


    The LCAP 2023-2024 link on the left includes: 

    • Parent & Partner Guide to the LCAP 2023-24
    • LCAP  
    • Federal Addendum 
    • Budget Overview for Parents 2023-2024














Last Modified on July 5, 2023