Aeries - Quick Start Guide

  • Alvord Quick Start Guide

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 7/1/2015

    Here is a 13 page document to get you started. You can print it out and follow it step by step. It will take you through logging in to Aeries to scoring your first assignemnt.

    Click to download the 13 page handout

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  • Day 1 Accessing Your Gradebook

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/30/2015

    Getting to the right website will get you started in the right direction. It is best to use Google Chrome although any internet browser should work. Even your phone's internet browser should work.

    1. When you open your internet browser go to

    2. Over in the top right area click Staff.

    3. Under Quick Links click AERIES.NET.

    4. Type in your Username and Password.

    5. Click Login.

    6. Click Attendance for taking attendance.

    7. Click Gradebook for working in your gradebook.


    Here is a video to watch that shows the process. 1:33

    Video link to watch accessing Aeries


    Click here for a nice printout with graphics.

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  • The Dashboard

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/29/2015

    The Dashboard is where you will always return to when working in your gradebook. It is the hub of all your activity.

    The Dashboard looks like this.

    Getting to the Dashboard :33

    The Dashboard

    Here is a Document to help you access the Dashboard and introduces the Gradebook.

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  • Creating Your Gradebooks

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/28/2015

    Setting up your gradebooks is something you will want to do on the first day of the semester so you can start recording assignments and scores. The basic process is oultlined here:

    1. Create Gradebooks
    2. Verify and set Gradebook Options
    3. Link Gradebooks

    These three steps are important to follow.

    Watch a Video Example of creating and linking Gradebooks :56

    Adding Gradebook Link to Video


    Adding a Gradebook Handout Complete

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  • Setting Your Gradebook Options

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/27/2015

    Once your gradebook is setup you are ready to declare your options. It might be simplest just accept the options. The default options are rather effectice. You may want to accept what Aeries has done or change them. 

    Gradebook Options Video :36

    Options for Aeries

    Options Handout Simple

    Options Handout Detailed


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  • Linking Gradebooks

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/26/2015

    Linking Gradebooks can be very effective when classes are exactly the same. It cuts down on the time you have to spend entering assignments for classess with same assignments, tests, and projects. It is very important that they are exactly the same.

    Linking Gradebooks Video 2:09

    Linking in Gradebooks


    *****If you mark a group as 0 they will not be grouped.

    Linking Gradebooks Simple

    Linking Gradebooks Handout

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  • Establishing Categories for Your Gradebook

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/25/2015

    In your gradebook you will have categories like homework, quizzess, tests, projects, and other assignments. You can set them up as you like. When you setup categories you can also choose to have weighted scores. For example you can make tests worth more than homework.

    Categories for Grading

    Setting Up Categories Handout

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  • Adding Your Students into Your Class

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/24/2015

    A gradebook is very useful without one key ingredient. Students! You will be going through this process several times throughout the school year as students enter and leave and possibly return to your class. The process is rather simple. One thing to watch out for is when to set the enter date for when a student comes in after the semester has started.

    Adding Students to Your Gradebook

    Adding Students to Your Gradebook - Handout

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  • Adding Assignments to Your Gradebook

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/23/2015

    If you are following this day by day you should be ready to add assignments to your gradebook. When you are adding an assignment the one mistake that even veteran teachers make is when they forget to mark the assignment as "Grading Completed." With the new gradebook you can take care of this when you create the assignment.

    Assignment Screenshot

    Creating an Assignment Handout

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  • Adding Scores to Your Students' Assignments

    Posted by Mark Rasmussen on 6/22/2015

    After this final step you should have a good start for the semester as far as the Aeries HTML 5 Gradebook. There is still a long ways to go but hopefully you are off to a good start. A good resource for learning will be\aeries. Probably, a better resource is another teacher on campus who has been using the gradebook for a while.

    This part is about adding scores to students. There are several ways to add scores to students. I find the best way to add scores is By Assignment. This allows me to put in comments that can offer encouragement to the students.


    Adding Scores Screenshot

    Adding Scores Handout

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