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Putnam County R-I Schools

Elementary School


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Mrs. O's FAB 5 End of Year FUN

Mrs. O's FAB 5 celebrated the end of a FABULOUS year by walking to the Dairy Lane and enjoying some ice cream.  (Photo Gallery 2) 

Fourth Quarter Math Fact Masters were treated to blizzards and shakes.  These eight students mastered addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts on the Xtramath website.  Congratulations to Katie H., Bryna H., Maddy V., Rylie T., Treyton T, Spencer S., Rayden C., and Trevor B. on your hard work!  (Photo Gallery 1)


We also "supervised" the work being completed on the football field.  We discussed various careers involving "big machines" and other occupations associated with stadiums and landscaping.  While there we had to get our picture with the symbolic white PC.  (Photo Gallery 3)