Evans Middle School News
Durham, the company that provides yellow bus service to Ottumwa district students, is o...
Evans Middle School will host a Sixth Grade Orientation for parents and students on Mon...
Evans Middle School will host their annual Bulldog Bash on Monday, August 20 from 5-6:3...
Twenty-one members of the Ottumwa Bulldogs Archery Team competed in the Iowa Summer Gam...
Ottumwa Schools is offering a football camp for students entering grades 7 and 8 on Aug...
The Ottumwa High School football coach and staff will host a Bulldog Youth Football Cam...
The Ottumwa Public Library will be popping up around Ottumwa this summer, including sev...
Sixth graders, working in teams of three, have completed their paper mache projects. Th...
Parents of incoming 6th grade students are invited to our Parent Orientation Night on T...
The Evans Middle School Student Council will host a carnival on Saturday, May 19 f...
Sixteen students at Evans Middle School were recognized in April for representing the s...
Three students from Evans Middle School will advance to state level competition on Apri...
Two Odyssey of the Mind teams from Evans Middle School will be advancing to the World F...
Twelve students at Evans Middle School were recognized in March for representing the sc...
Evans Middle School will host a showcase of student work on Tuesday, April 10 from 5:30...
Fifteen students at Evans Middle School were recognized in February for representi...
Several pre-algebra classes at Evans Middle School are hosting an Entrepreneur Night on...
The district completed the final phase of upgrading their phone system over spring brea...
The Evans Middle School Drama Department will present Disney's "Beauty and the...
Register now to save $25 on Camp Invention. The deadline for early registration is Frid...
How your student can prepare for test taking and what you can do to help: Make su...
Evans Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, March 8 from 1...
Tomorrow's Leaders students have started a paper friendship chain outside of room 2...
A group of students at Evans Middle School showed leadership through a week long focus ...
After completing the circulatory unit in sixth grade science, students learned about bl...