Home School Assistance Program

Contact information:

Jennifer Rogers  Home School Assistance Teacher

Rebecca Zuithoff Home School Assistance Teacher

Courtney Burgess Home School Assistance Teacher

Heather Burgess Home School Associate

Kristi Baskett Home School Associate 

Home School Office: 325 East Main Street (Welcome Center), Ottumwa, IA

  • 641-684-8672


The Ottumwa Community School District makes every effort to serve the educational needs of all the students residing in the district. In recognizing the growing number of home schooled students, the Home School Assistance Program was created to provide academic support for families desiring to home school their children. This program is free to any student who lives in the district. The program offers texts, enrichment books, and computer programs to complete or compliment each student’s curriculum.

New materials are added to the Lending Library every year. These materials are checked out by families and returned to the Lending Library for other families to use. In addition to the great rescources offered in our Lending Library, the program offers monthly hands-on classes and activities, field trips, and community service projects. All students who dual enroll in Ottumwa Schools are welcomed into the extra curricular activities, such as band, orchestra, choirs as well as a multitude of sports, as well as acedemic classes.

Testing services are also provided by the H.S.A.P. This program offers consultation and support through certified K-12 instructors. If home schooling is an option your family may be considering, there is help provided through the Ottumwa School District. Please feel free to call or contact the office.