Students Leaders Promote Friendship

A group of students at Evans Middle School showed leadership through a week long focus on friendship.

Tomorrow’s Leaders, an eighth grade elective class at Evans, sponsored a week of activities focused on positive behaviors and creating friendships. Today, the week culminated with every student and staff member going out into the hallways, joining hands, and creating a friendship chain.

Destani James, a class leader, shared that the class wants to make a difference in their school. According to Chief Rick Reinier, instructor, the curriculum is based on a DVD series called “In Search of Character.” The series highlights 10 core virtues that help teens develop into caring, respectful, responsible people who make choices based on what’s right, rather than what’s easy.

Tomorrow’s Leaders were easy to spot on Friday. They were wearing white t-shirts decorated with positive messages. 

At the beginning of the year, Reinier asked the group if they could change one thing about their school, what would it be? Almost every student wanted to make a positive impact on how students treat students and students treat teachers. 

Students came up with the idea of Friendship Week and planned all the activities. “Teachers have been phenomenal in their support of the effort,” said Reiner. 

“We’ve made an impact on our school,” said James. “People are smiling more, being happy, there is more positivity.”

Tomorrow’s Leaders class includes:  Mikia Alvarez, Jannah Asican, Diana Aviles, Tyse Barker, Lorna Bauer, Cadence Birk, Katelynn Borror, Josie Cobler, Natalie Cook, Ellee Dewees, Gabriel Fuller, Nardos Gebremedhin, Juan Harland, Jenna Harland, James Hill, Kaylee House, Ginely Jaimes, Destani James, Kaidon Jones, Ellimae Leon, Cale Leonard, Chris Luedtke, Marleen Rivera, Maliah Salter, Owen Tanner, Ariana Tobeck, Gabby Vicente, and Nicolete Ware.

student leadership group  student leadership group

Tomorrow's Leaders                                                                      Tomorrow's Leaders