Special Education Program

Special Education Director: Mike Stiemsma

If you are interested in finding out how your student can receive additional assistance with their education, please contact your building principal to discuss the level of support they have available at the building level. Each building has a Student Assistance Team (SAT) that helps teachers provide support to students who are having difficulties with academics, social skills, and emotional challenges. The SAT process provides intensive support services for students to see if the classroom teacher or specific coursework can make the difference in improving achievement. If that process fails to assist your student in moving toward closing the gap between themselves and their peers, you can request a Suspicion of Disability meeting for consideration of eligibility in special education.

A Suspicion of Disability meeting can be requested by the parent at any time they believe their student has a disability that significantly affects their education.  When a parent requests a meeting, the building principal or designee will contact the Great Prairie Area Education Agency (GPAEA) to set up a meeting with you to start the determination of eligibility process.

Included on this website page are various related files and websites that will provide you with additional information regarding the services provided within the special education program. Please feel welcome to contact me at 641-684-6597 so I can assist you.

Great Prairie Area Education Agency

On the link above you will be able to find information regarding the following:

  • Administrative Rules for Special Education
  • IEP Early Childhood Outcome Form
  • IFSP Procedures Manual
  • Iowa Special Education Processes & Documentation (Happe Manual)
  • I-Plan
  • Procedures and Guidelines for the Assessment and Delivery of Special Education Services to Incarcerated Individuals in Iowa’s Adult Correctional Facilities
  • Procedures Manual
  • Procedural Safeguards (Parent Rights)
  • Programs & Services
  • Web IEP Login
  • Disability Suspected Form

Iowa Department of Education

On the link above you will find information regarding Special Education Programming within the state of Iowa.

Related Files

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