How to Distribute Flyers

  1. Print the “Permission to Distribute Flyer Form" (see below).
  2. Send request to the district office for approval. Flyers need to be approved at least two weeks prior to preferred distribution date. All flyers need to include the statement: “Not sponsored by the Ottumwa Community School District.” Flyers will be distributed only on Thursdays.

Instructions for distribution include:

  1. Make copies and bundle flyers by class and label with teacher name
  2. These bundles are to be placed in an envelope with the school name and delivered to each building by Tuesday of the week of distribution.
  3. A copy of the signed permission form must be included with each packet or shown to the building secretary when bundles are delivered. No flyers will be distributed without a signed permission form.

Guidelines for Distribution

  1. The primary purpose of flyer distribution is to support Ottumwa youth participation in extracurricular activities such as youth sports, field days, educational programs, plays, etc.
  2. Ottumwa Schools will only distribute materials from non-profit organizations. Advertising is prohibited per district board policy.
  3. Ottumwa Schools encourages organizations not to rely solely on the district as their primary marketing source.
  4. Ottumwa Schools will allow non-profits to distribute approved flyers to schools.
  5. Ottumwa Schools will not distribute fundraising materials.
  6. For profit organizations may only distribute materials to promote organized youth activities, i.e. bowling leagues.
  7. We are unable to distribute flyers the first week of school or the last two weeks of school.
Permission to Distribute Flyer Form - To View Click Here 
Permission to Distribute Flyer Online Form - To View Click Here