How to Distribute Flyers
- Print the “Permission to Distribute Flyer Form" (see below).
- Send request to the district office for approval. Flyers need to be approved at least two weeks prior to preferred distribution date. All flyers need to include the statement: “Not sponsored by the Ottumwa Community School District.” Flyers will be distributed only on Thursdays.
Instructions for distribution include:
- Make copies and bundle flyers by class and label with teacher name
- These bundles are to be placed in an envelope with the school name and delivered to each building by Tuesday of the week of distribution.
- A copy of the signed permission form must be included with each packet or shown to the building secretary when bundles are delivered. No flyers will be distributed without a signed permission form.
Guidelines for Distribution
- The primary purpose of flyer distribution is to support Ottumwa youth participation in extracurricular activities such as youth sports, field days, educational programs, plays, etc.
- Ottumwa Schools will only distribute materials from non-profit organizations. Advertising is prohibited per district board policy.
- Ottumwa Schools encourages organizations not to rely solely on the district as their primary marketing source.
- Ottumwa Schools will allow non-profits to distribute approved flyers to schools.
- Ottumwa Schools will not distribute fundraising materials.
- For profit organizations may only distribute materials to promote organized youth activities, i.e. bowling leagues.
- We are unable to distribute flyers the first week of school or the last two weeks of school.