Evans Presents "Beauty and the Beast, Jr."

The Evans Middle School Drama Department will present Disney's "Beauty and the Beast, Jr." on Saturday, March 24 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, March 25 at 3 p.m. in the Evans Auditorium.  Tickets are $5 and available at the door. 

Cast members include:  Paige Anderson, Kaya Baca, Kaitlyn Baeza, Lorna Bauer, Courtney Beal, Ssmantha Black, Annaliese Bowser, Hailey Brown, Alexus Carrow, Leah Chelgren, Gracie Davis, Janelle Eskew, Makenzie Fischer, Kaydance Gardner, and Amirah Ghastalani. Also Kenna Gordon, Jaime Halgren, Ava Hanson, Maggie Haw, Quintin Hull, Chloe James, Bailey Johnson, Hannah LaPoint, Mya Lemonds, North Lindell, Daniela Martinez, Jocelyn Maw, 
Halayna McDonough, Madi Miller, Stephanie Pierce, Sherlyn Quintero, Joslyn Roberts, Abby Rodgers, Victoria Sherwood, Lila Stock, Jessi Thrasher-Roberts, Gissellen Turrado, and Kati Williams. 

 Be our guest and join us for a tale as old as time!