Introduction to Second Step


Dear Family, 

We want your child to be successful in school and that means supporting and encouraging their whole development. While excelling in academic classes is important, students also need skills to take on learning challenges, make good decisions, handle strong emotions, and get along with others. Over the last few weeks, we have begun Second Step® Middle School, a research-based social-emotional learning program designed to improve students’ social-emotional skills, such as emotion management, impulse control, problem solving, and empathy. Second Step skills and concepts are designed to help students both in and out of school. These include: 

Mindsets and Goals: Students learn how to develop a growth mindset and apply research-based goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives. 

Recognizing Bullying and Harassment: Students learn how to recognize bullying and harassment, stand up safely to bullying, and respond appropriately to harassment. 

Thoughts, Emotions, and Decisions: Students learn how to recognize strong emotions and unhelpful thoughts, and apply strategies to manage their emotions and reduce stress. 

Managing Relationships and Social Conflict: Students learn strategies for developing and maintaining healthy relationships, perspective-taking, and dealing with conflict. 

6th Grade Resources

Unit One - Mindsets and Goals

Lesson 1  - Starting Middle School

Lesson 2 - How to Grow Your Brain

Lesson 3 - Trying New Strategies

Lesson 4 - Making Goals Specific

Lesson 5 - Breaking Down Your Goals

Lesson 6 - Monitoring Your Progress

Lesson 7 - Bringing it All Together


Unit Two - Recognizing Bullying and Harassment 

Lesson 8 - Common Types of Bullying

Lesson 9 - Recognizing Bullying

Lesson 10 - Responding to Cyberbullying

Lesson 11 - How to Be an Upstander

Lesson 12 - Standing Up and Staying Safe

Lesson 13 - Raising Awareness about Bullying


Unit Three - Thoughts, Emotions and Decisions

Lesson 14 - What Emotions Tell You

Lesson 15 - Emotions and Your Brain

Lesson 16 - How Emotions Affect  Your Decisions

Lesson 17 - Managing Your Emotions

Lesson 18 - What Works Best for You?

Lesson 19 - Raising Awareness about Managing Emotions


Unit Four - Managing Relationships and Social Conflict

Lesson 20 - We’re Changing

Lesson 21 - Why Conflicts Arise

Lesson 22 - Considering Multiple Perspectives

Lesson 23 - Respectful Communication

Lesson 24 - Resolving Challenging Conflicts

Lesson 25 - Making Amends

Lesson 26 - Conflict Solvers


7th  Grade Resources

Unit One - Mindsets and Goals

Lesson 1 - Helping New Students

Lesson 2 - Creating New Pathways in Your Brain

Lesson 3 - Learning from Mistakes and Failures

Lesson 4 - Identifying Roadblocks

Lesson 5 - Overcoming Roadblocks

Lesson 6 - Overcoming Roadblocks 2

Lesson 7 - Advice on Roadblocks


Unit Two - Recognizing Bullying and Harassment

Lesson 8 - What is Harassment?

Lesson 9 - What is Sexual Harassment?

Lesson 10 - The Effects of Sexual Harassment

Lesson 11 - Gender Based Harassment

Lesson 12 - Your Rights and Responsibilities

Lesson 13 - Preventing Harassment


Unit Three - Thoughts, Emotions and Decisions

Lesson 14 - Emotions Matter

Lesson 15 - Feel, Think, Do

Lesson 16 - Unhelpful Thoughts

Lesson 17 - Reframing Unhelpful Thoughts

Lesson 18 - Practicing Positive Self-Talk

Lesson 19  - Making Better Decisions


Unit Four - Managing Relationships and Social Conflict

Lesson 20 - What Makes a Conflict Escalate?

Lesson 21 - Keeping Your Cool in a Conflict

Lesson 22 - Conflicts and Perspectives

Lesson 23 - Resolving Conflicts Part 1

Lesson 24 - Resolving Conflicts Part 2

Lesson 25 - Taking Responsibility for your Actions

Lesson 26 - Tips for Resolving Conflicts


8th Grade Resources

Unit One - Mindsets and Goals

Lesson 1 - Welcome

Lesson 2 - Who am I? My Identity

Lesson 3 - My Interests and Strengths

Lesson 4 - Harnessing My Strengths

Lesson 5 - Pursuing My Goals

Lesson 6 - My Future Self

Lesson 7 - My Path Forward


Unit Two - Recognizing Bullying and Harassment

Lesson 8 - Understanding Bullying

Lesson 9 - Social Factors that Contribute to Bullying

Lesson 10 - Environmental Factors that Contribute to Bullying

Lesson 11 - Speak Up and Start a Movement

Lesson 12 - Be Inclusive and Change Policies

Lesson 13 - Stand Up for Change


Unit Three - Thoughts, Emotions and Decisions

Lesson 14 - Understanding Stress and Anxiety

Lesson 15 - Where Does Stress Come From?

Lesson 16 - Can Stress Help You Grow?

Lesson 17 - Strategies for Managing Stress

Lesson 18 - Changing Strategies and Getting Help

Lesson 19 - My Stress Management Plan


Unit Four - Managing Relationships and Social Conflict

Lesson 20 - My Values

Lesson 21 - Values and Relationships

Lesson 22 - Recognizing Others’ Perspectives

Lesson 23 - Finding the Best Solution

Lesson 24 - Making Things Right

Lesson 25 - Unhealthy Relationships

Lesson 26 - Guide to Healthy Relationships

Lesson 27 - High School Challenges