Sixth graders, working in teams of three, have completed their paper mache projects. The task was to combine at least two animals to create a new animal. Students spent Tuesday and Wednesday this week voting on their favorites, displayed in the school's courtyard. The top three winners will eat lunch with art teachers Gail Hunter and Alan Brown.
Students used a variety of objects for the armature (what helps to hold the shape), including buckets, bowls, toilet paper rolls, and cardboard. Austin, Luis and Cory created a "turtlfllama," combining a turtle, llama and fish. Mariah, Addison, and Kailey created a "unipig," part pig and part unicorn. When asked who gets to get the sculpture, the girls commented that they might have to pass it around between the three homes.
Brown noted that students do a gallery walk after completing each project. Students are encouraged to use statements such as "I like this . . . " or "I wonder what would happen if . . . " when offering comments. He said this is the biggest gallery, hosting all student projects.