Fairport Central School District

School Budget Vote & Board of Education Election is May 21

Fairport Central School District residents will go to the polls on Tuesday, May 21 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Johanna Perrin Middle School.

Budget highlights include:

  • The $132,199,783 total budget is a 2.47% increase over the prior year’s budget
  • The budget is in compliance with the Property Tax Cap
  • The estimated tax rate is a projected $22.77,


District budget information in the latest edition of the Commentator

Budget Commentator (May 2019)

Fairport Central School District’s newest edition of the Commentator is now available. District residents will receive it in their mailboxes in the coming days. The 2019-20 proposed budget vote date is Tuesday, May 21, at Johanna Perrin Middle School from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m.

To read about the latest in news as it relates to future planning and the budget development process for 2019-20,


Douglas W. Lauf named next assistant superintendent for Human Resources


At the Regular Board of Education meeting on April 23, the Board appointed Douglas W. Lauf to serve as assistant superintendent for human resources beginning July 1, 2019. Lauf will succeed Michael Crumb, who has been serving as the acting assistant superintendent for human resources since January. The search process included invaluable feedback by an interview committee and focus groups.


FHS teams compete in Cornell University High School Computer Programming Contest

FHS CUHighSchoolComputerProgContest

Four teams representing 12 students from Fairport High School competed against teams from across New York state in the 6th annual Cornell University High School Computer Programming Contest on April 5.

Fairport’s teams are as follows:

Fairport 1

  • Leo Allen
  • Ian Dunn
  • Greg Herdzik

Fairport 2

  • David Munechika
  • Ray Fujita
  • Kade Carlson

Fairport 3

  • Kyle Embling
  • Ryan Baker
  • Zach Baker

Fairport 4

  • Anthony Lombardi
  • Greg Paiement
  • Sean Grzenda

All are currently in AP Computer Science or took the class last year.


Two Fairport Odyssey of the Mind teams advance to world competition

Nine teams from Fairport Central School District competed in the Odyssey of the Mind State Tournament held on Saturday, March 23 in Binghamton, NY.  Two teams are moving on to the World Competition at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan on May 22-25, 2019 and five of Fairport’s teams finished in the top five.


Community meetings about potential MD – FHS merger set for March 26 & April 3

Dear Fairport Community Members:

Facilities planning has been at the forefront of the District’s work this year.  The Board of Education and administration continue to discuss the possible merger of Minerva DeLand and the Fairport High School. We have been analyzing the educational and fiscal implications of a possible merger and the importance of having a comprehensive facilities plan to achieve our strategic initiatives.