Fairport Central School District

Fairport Central School District residents will go to the polls on Tuesday, May 21 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Johanna Perrin Middle School.

Budget highlights include:

  • The $132,199,783 total budget is a 2.47% increase over the prior year’s budget
  • The budget is in compliance with the Property Tax Cap
  • The estimated tax rate is a projected $22.77, a 3.28% increase
  • The proposed budget includes similar opportunities for students that it has in the past

On the Ballot:

Fairport Central School District

  • Proposed 2019-20 school budget
  • Proposition #1 authorizing FCSD to expend from the Capital Technology Reserve Fund an amount not to exceed $464,000 for the purchase of information technology equipment and supplies
  • Two Board of Education members

Fairport Public Library

  • Proposed 2019-20 Public Library budget
  • One Public Library trustee

For more information about the 2019-20 school budget, visit www.fairport.org/budget.