Fairport Central School District

To the Fairport Community:

We are six weeks into the school year. Homecoming showcased our community pride and students and staff have established their routines for the school year. Extracurricular activities are underway, ensembles are preparing for upcoming performances and the fall sports seasons are coming to a close. Congratulations on a successful start to the school year! I am proud to be your superintendent and anticipate the meaningful experiences that will be played out through the school year.

Last year, the District Advisory Council provided insights and is the basis for our Strategic Initiatives. Work plans are in motion and focusing our efforts with timelines and progress updates to the board.

  • We continue to evaluate the future of Minerva DeLand and the beginning stages of our 2019-20 budget.
  • Facility upgrades and infrastructural improvements are underway. These renovations improve our physical structures and protect our community’s investment.
  • Fairport teachers, administrators and staff participated in Superintendent’s Conference Day on Oct. 5. The first half of the day, the district collaborated with local law enforcement to discuss continued safety and security measures within our buildings. Curriculum was the priority during the the afternoon; educators focused on developing coherence within our programming.
  • To further evaluate our safety efforts, at Tuesday evening’s October BOE meeting, we discussed a safety audit for our schools that will be occurring this school year. The building audits will be done by local law enforcement and will include stakeholder interviews, a review of safety plans and protocols and an assessment of current infrastructures.
  • Curriculum management and educational programming continues to be the priority. On Thursday, Nov. 29 at 6:30 p.m., there will be a Community Conversation on “21st Century Learning” in the FHS auditorium. We invite parents, guardians and community members to join us as we discuss how our schools should look, sound and feel like.

There is much to celebrate throughout our district. We have been sharing items on the district website, Facebook and Twitter. In case you missed it, here are a few stories from the past few weeks worth noting:

These news items and more are available on the district website, Twitter account and Facebook page.

I look forward to sharing the joy found throughout our district and our continued progress in the coming months.

Brett Provenzano
Fairport Superintendent