Fairport Central School District

Plans for future of Fairport Central School District were developed this past spring through the District Advisory Council’s work. Facilities planning is a key component of the Fairport Strategic Plan. The Fairport Central School District and the Fairport Board of Education (BOE) are committed to fostering educational environments that are safe and support the needs of our students.

When the strategic plan was first introduced, we proposed an ambitious timeline for analyzing a merger of Minerva DeLand (MD) and Fairport High School (FHS). This evaluation process includes a review of operating costs, staffing needs, New York State Education Department requirements, and potential additions to FHS — just to name a few.

At the BOE workshop on September 17, the Board discussed the process associated with a potential merger of FHS and MD. The Board recognizes the need to be methodical and engage the school community in this process. In order to provide ample time to evaluate the thoughts of our school and community members, as well as engage in thoughtful analysis with pertinent data and recommendations, the decision timeline is being extended.

The District and Board are currently working with industry experts and anticipate forming a recommendation in spring 2019. Options may include continuing our current building configuration and usage or a potential FHS/MD building consolidation in approximately four-five years. Opportunities for community feedback are expected to begin in early 2019 when we can have an informed discussion with stakeholders. Please stay up-to-date with Fairport communication through our district website and social media channels.