6th Grade Header
  • Welcome to 7th & 8th Grade Semester-Long Chorus


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    7th and 8th Grade Semester-Long Chorus classes are unique in that they don't require students to commit to chorus for the entire school year. HOWEVER, students are encouraged to continue their chorus journey after their semester of enrollment.

    The expectations and standards of 7th and 8th grade semester-long chorus classes are consistent with those set by NCDPI, but will be modified to meet singers where they are in their skill level, considering that a learning gap may be prevalent. Some key objectives that will be taught during both sections are:

    • Continuing to develop and use consistent tone and fundamental techniques while rehearsing and performing.
    • Interpret standard musical notation, and learn/practice music literacy concepts.
    • Develop a discriminating ear to evaluate performances.


    To stay up-to-date and in-the-loop, parents and guardians are encouraged to create an Observer account on Canvas for their child's class. In addition, parents and guardians are also encouraged to activate their PowerSchool account to stay updated on their child's grades. For assistance with either one of these, please contact Mrs. Woolard (jessica.woolard@cabarrus.k12.nc.us), our school's Data Manager.