• Food Resources


    CCS has compiled a list of critical community resources listed below. This list includes contact information for community programs/resources that are available to assist residents with food, housing, crisis assistance and more. **Please note all resources listed below may be subject to changes in hours and varying restrictions.  For specific information, please contact the invididual agency for more information.


    Don't see what you're looking for?  Contact your School Social Worker for more! 



    Food Resources

    Check out the CCS School Nutrition website here for the most up-to-date information.

    **There will no longer be free breakfast/lunch for ALL students. You must fill out a Free & Reduced Lunch Application to determine eligibility.  Please  fill out a Free & Reduced Lunch Application for the 22'-23' school year as soon as possible, as there may be other benefits you can qualify for.  You can access that application on the CCS School and Nutrition website here 


    Carolina Hunger Initiative - NC Summer Meal Sites Carolina Hunger Initiative

    Baby Formula Information - Baby Formula


     Info about P-EBT Cards  

    If parents have questions about their P-EBT card, they may contact either the school’s social worker or the SNP office. The SNP office can be reached by contacting Nanette Whitaker at Nanette.whitaker@cabarrus.k12.nc.us or 704-260-5554. To access the SNP website,please click here.

    P-EBT (English)

    P-EBT (Spanish)


    Free Local Food Resources

    For free local food resources, text FOODNC to 877-877; you will receive a text back with locations and serving times.  For information in Spanish, text COMIDA to 877-877  


    CCM Crisis Center Food Pantry 704-786-4709

    246 Country Club Dr, Concord    

    Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays - 9 am to 4 pm

    Wednesdays, 9 to 12noon

    Clients must be a resident of Cabarrus County

    Clients can access the crisis center food pantry on a monthly basis, first come-first served

    CCM will need to know gross monthly income, last 4 digits of Social Security, address, and answer a few questions.  It is based on income.

    Volunteers picking up for families:  Please bring a letter, stating who the volunteer is and who they are picking up for, with signatures, the address and the information listed above. 



    Department of Human Services-Cabarrus County DHS

    13030 S. Cannon Blvd, Concord NC; 704-920-1400


    A quick and easy way to apply for benefits


    Find Help North Carolina 2-1-1

    Call, text, or chat with your local 211 to speak with a community resource specialist in your area who will help you find services and resources that are available to you.

    Dial 2-1-1, or 1-888-892-1162.


Last Modified on August 15, 2022