Free and Reduced Price Meals


    There are 3 Ways to Apply for Free or Reduced Meals:



    You can do this in English or in Spanish. It's free, fast, and secure. Apply online now.


    Download and Print an Application

    We have them in English and Spanish, but if you need another language, there are 48 other languages to choose from on the USDA website. Once you complete the form, send it to or to Cabarrus County Schools, School Nutrition, 111 Union Cemetery Rd SW, Concord, NC 28027.


    Get a Paper Application From Your School

    Paper forms will be sent home at the beginning of school and will be available at school throughout the year. Once you complete the form, return it to the school so we can process it. Or you can send it to or to Cabarrus County Schools, School Nutrition, 111 Union Cemetery Rd SW, Concord, NC 28027.  



    Sharing Information With Other Programs

    To save you time and effort, the information you gave on your Free or Reduced Price School Meals Application may be shared with other programs for which your children may qualify. We must have your written permission in order to share your information. Sending this form will not change whether your children get free or reduced price meals.

    Complete the form and send it to the program to which you are applying. They will send it to the SNP office and we will fulfill requests within 10 business days. 

  • Not sure if you need to apply?

    Click here for help!

Last Modified on June 21, 2023