• Graduation Requirements

    Credits needed to GRADUATE:

    ○6 credits = 10th grade

    ○13 credits = 11th grade

    ○19 credits = 12th grade

    ○27 credits = GRADUATION!

    • Required courses

    ○4 math, English, social studies

    ○3 science

    ○1 health/PE

    ○Elective credits

    • Absences

    ○13+ absences could result in NO credit

    Comments (-1)
  • Absence Policy


    3-5 Absences:  Teacher contacts home & documents contact

    6-9 Absences:  Notice of excessive absences & conference with Grad Coach and/or Counselor; Parent/Guardian Contacted

    13 Absences:  Admin conference and placed on an Attendance Contract; Parent/Guardian Contacted

    13+ AbsencesPotentially:

    • Lose credit for course
    • Will not be able to attend prom
    • Seniors: Will not be able to attend prom or any senior activities and will NOT be able to walk at graduation
    Comments (-1)
  • Tardy Policy


    1st & 2nd Tardy:  Warning

    3rd Tardy:  Lunch Detention

    4th & 5th Tardy:  Afterschool Detention 2:30-3:00pm

    6th Tardy:  Extended Afterschool Detention 2:30-3:30pm; Conference with Grad Coach or Admin

    7th Tardy:  1 Block ISS

    8th Tardy:  2 Blocks ISS

    9 + Tardies:  Admin Discretion

    Comments (-1)
Last Modified on August 16, 2022