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Cole, Shamika
Page Navigation
- Welcome
- Attendance Matters
- Social & Emotional Learning Weekly Parent Newsletter
- Social & Emotional Learning Pre-recorded Lesson
- Food Pantries
- Resources for Parents
- Recursos para padres
- Recursos para familias hispanas
- Counseling Resources
- Immediate Crisis Resources
- College Readiness
- Important Information
- Information on Covid-19
- Managing Anxiety
- Try Grounding for Anxiety and Intense Emotions
- Why I Should Continue Doing School Work?
- Scholar Resources
- Mindfulness Meditation
- Handling your Negative Thoughts
- 30-Day Mental Health Challenge
- 15 Things Mindful People Do Differently
- Useful Links
- Afterschool Clubs
- Program Choice Schools Information
- Action Calendars
Week 15 - Mindfulness (Gratitude)
Week 15 parent outreach newsletter - Mindfulness - Gratitude.docx 17.67 KB (Last Modified on December 14, 2020)
Week 16 - Perseverance (Goal Setting Check-In)
Week 16 parent outreach newsletter - Preserverance Goal Setting Check-In.docx 17.77 KB (Last Modified on December 14, 2020)
Week 17 - Self-Care Strategies
Week 17 parent outreach newsletter - Self-Care Strategies.docx 18.16 KB (Last Modified on January 5, 2021)
Week 18 - Debunking Stereotypes
Week 18 parent outreach newsletter - Debunking Stereotypes.docx 18.5 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021)
Week 19 - Personal Power
Week 19 parent outreach newsletter - Personal Power.pages 847.96 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021)
Week 20 - Wise Mind
Week-20 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter - Wise Mind.docx 14.86 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021)
Week 21 - Celebrating Diversity
Week-21 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Celebrating Diversity.docx 16.01 KB (Last Modified on February 2, 2021)
Week 22 - Values
Week-22 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter - Values.docx 17 KB (Last Modified on February 16, 2021)
Week 23 - Resiliency Reboot: Positive Self-Talk
Week-23 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Resiliency Rebooot- Positive Self-Talk.docx 17.05 KB (Last Modified on February 16, 2021)
Week 27 - Empathy
Week-27 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Empathy.docx 17.19 KB (Last Modified on February 24, 2021)
Week 28 - Respect for Others
Week-28 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Respect for Others.docx 17.24 KB (Last Modified on March 2, 2021)
Week 29 - Social Pressures
Week-29 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Social Pressures.docx 17.48 KB (Last Modified on March 18, 2021)
Week 30 - Social Media and Safety
Week-30 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Social Media and Safety.docx 18.21 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week 33 - Effective Communication
Week-33 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Effective Communication.docx 18.26 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week 34 - Boundaries
Week-34 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Boundaries.docx 17.9 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week 35 - Offering and Receiving Help
Week-35 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Offering and Receiving Help.docx 17.93 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week 37 - Working Thing Out
Week-37 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Working Thing Out.docx 18.12 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week 39 - Skills and Reflections Part 1
Week-39 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Skills and Reflections part 1.docx 18.83 KB (Last Modified on May 18, 2021)
Week - 40 Skills and Reflections Part 2
Week-40 Parent and Family Outreach Newsletter Skills and Reflections part 2.docx 18.53 KB (Last Modified on May 21, 2021)