

Degrees and Certifications:

Major: English Minor: Secondary Education

Ms. Maynard

It's that time again! Let's get prepped and ready for a great new school year. All of our assignments will be posted in Canvas and will be organized by Units and days of the week. The best way to get in contact with me is by email. 


I look forward to seeing all of your faces!


Please review this PowerPoint with important links that we discussed during our curriculum night. This PowerPoint provides you with links to PowerSchool, Canvas Observer, Remind code, and information about grades. 


  • Remind

    To join our team Remind, you can go to your student's ELA canvas page and click on the "Remind" button to be taken to their website and join. We strongly encourage that both student and parent join Remind. 





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  • Cell Phone & Bluetooth Headphone Policy

     Parents and Guardians of 8th-grade students. We have had an increase in our 8th-grade students carrying their cell phones throughout the instructional day. Students are using their phones to text each other, record themselves and each other and cheat on academics. All of these are a disruption to the learning environment. In order to help support our students in making positive choices throughout the school day, the 8th-grade team will be requiring that all students keep their cell phones in their bookbags throughout the day, as in accordance with our Student Handbook. Students will no longer be able to keep their phones on their person.


    We are also not allowing Bluetooth AirPods/Headphones during the school day either, as students are also using these to connect to their phones and listen to music in class. We want to keep our students focused on academics during the day and not their phones, social media, etc.


    Students who do not comply with placing phones and or AirPods in their bookbags will receive office-level disciplinary consequences. Please discuss the importance of keeping cell phones and Bluetooth headphones in bookbags with your students.


    Thank you for your support of CCGMS!




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  • Assignments:

    In our classroom, we use the platform Canvas. If you are interested in seeing what your child is doing in ELA, you can log in with their information! Canvas is very user-friendly!




    Google/Cabarrus Apps Reminders:

    Please note that you will not be able to access any Google assignments at home unless you are logged into your Cabarrus Apps Google account. Only Cabarrus Apps accounts are granted access to the documents, even when accessed through Canvas. 

    Use this document for step-by-step instructions on how to log in using your Cabarrus Apps Google account. 

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