

Degrees and Certifications:

B.S-Elementary Education-Clarion University M.Ed-Curriculum and Supervision-UNCC

Mrs. Stacy Taylor

Welcome to 6th Grade at C.C. Griffin! My name is Stacy Taylor and I am the math teacher on Team Motivate. This is my 16th year teaching in North Carolina! I was born and raised in Erie, PA. I moved to Charlotte after I finished my undergraduate degree at Clarion University in Elementary Education. I taught 4th and 5th grade in CMS for 9 years. During that time, I earned a Master's Degree of Education in Curriculum and Supervision at UNCC and got married. Turns out, I moved all the way to North Carolina to meet and marry a man from my same hometown! We started a family and made the move to Concord. We have two beautiful daughters that are 9 and 5 years old. We love to travel, listen to music and play games together. I am so excited for this school year and all we can learn together!

Please refer to your child's Canvas Math Course for more information and assignments. Click here.

Canvas-Parent Observers:
Click here to have access to your child's Canvas courses 
Click here for a Spanish copy 


Make sure to check your child's PowerSchool account weekly for grades and missing assignments. This is also where you can view your child's Mid-Quarter Progress Reports and Report Cards.

Click here to request access to your child's PowerSchool account.

 Click here for the PowerSchool Parent Portal.

Last Modified on August 20, 2021