Phone: 704-260-6410


Degrees and Certifications:

BS in Health and Physical Education with a Teaching Licensure from Appalachian State University

Mrs. Sara Holbrooks



Hi Gryphons and welcome back to a brand new year at CCGMS!

Please check our Health Canvas course daily (M-F) to see the Health assignments you are responsible for. I will make every effort to make it very clear what assignments you are responsible for on what day as well as how to complete each assignment. 

To find your assignments remember to hit "Modules" to the left of your screen once on Canvas!

Parents and students: If you ever have ANY questions at all (no question is too big or too small!) please email me or message me through Canvas! My email is:

If message is sent after school hours I will be sure to respond the following school day. 

Hi! I am a born and raised Concord local and I graduated college in 2016 from Appalachian State University where I majored in Health Education. I am so honored and excited to be a part of the CC Griffin team for what is now my fifth year and to continue to have the opportunity to teach back in the county that raised me! I am married and I love to spend time with my husband, our lab/pit mix rescue puppy (Charley), our precious bunnnies (Sunny & Moose) and our cats (Bear & Nellie) when not at school. I am so excited to have your child in my class this year, and encourage any parent communication should you have any questions or concerns during your child's time in my class! 

You can also call the school at the following number- 704-260-6410 and ask to be transferred to Mrs. Holbrooks to speak to me by phone. My planning periods (listed below on the schedule) are the best times to reach me by phone.

I truly feel that health is an important subject as it influences all others, and am so happy to be able to teach your student this year!

Thank you for visiting our classes' website!   

****Most all of our work for our Health course is completed on our online program Canvas. If a student is absent, does not complete/submit an assignment in class, or does not earn a decent grade they are allowed to submit work late or resubmit work with no late penalty up until a few days before final grades are due for report cards. The final due date will be announced and shared with the class frequently. Any work turned in before this date will still be given credit based on the value of the work itself. After this date no grades can be changed. You can check your child's assignment grades on Canvas by asking them to login from home at anytime, or through the Parent Portal on Powerschool. Powerschool grades are weighted and should be considered the most accurate average for your student. Grades are automatically synced to Powerschool from Canvas and I will update grades at least weekly if not more often.


6th Grade: 9:12-10:44 am

7th Grade: 12:19-1:51 pm

DAILY PLANNING: 1:51-2:25 pm

8th Grade: 2:25-3:59 pm


We use a lot of technology in my class! Almost every class we will be using a laptop. In our Health class we will be using the program Canvas to complete assignments, have discussions and complete quizzes/tests. All of the assignments on canvas can be accessed at any time as long as the student has internet access.Students can access my course on Canvas at any point by clicking on the Canvas Icon on the school homepage. If a student is missing work on canvas they can still complete and submit it through canvas. Please continue to check the parent portal for your child's current grade.