• Welcome to RISE Intramurals!

    What: A year-long competition amongst all of the teams from each grade level. The class that will represent each team will be chosen through competition on that team’s intramural day, and will play against the other classes that earned the right to play on Championship Day.

    When: Intramurals will occur on each grade level’s “Team” day, the schedule for each team is attached HERE. Please bring your classes down to the gym as soon as possible to allow for maximum competition time.

    Who: What we need from each teacher, is to review each of the games to their classes BEFORE they come down for intramurals, this way we can use the entire time for competition and not game instruction (although we will review the rules quickly). We also need each class to bring a roster of participants, along with potential subs in case a particular player is absent. All participants must wear proper footwear (i.e. tennis shoes) or they will not be allowed to play; this is for safety. This will help us to get the next game ready quicker, without having to “find” participants to fill a roster. We’re operating on the Honor Code in this regard, please allow equal participation for your students, I know you all want to win, but remember, this is for the students!


    How: Each team will have a round-robin style tournament to determine which class will move on to the Championship Day to take on the winners from the other teams. We will have a yearlong scoring competition going on between ALL classes from a given grade level. The way you earn points for this competition is simple, if you finish in first place you earn 4 points, second place earns 3 points, third place earns 2 points, and fourth place earns 1 point. We also give out points based on "Sportsmanship" (judged by the game officials), the same point protocol is in effect; first (4), second (3), third (2), and fourth (1). On top of all of this, teams can still earn points for their “Team Spirit” (judged by announcer) on the same scale as competition and sportsmanship. The points earned by each team's representative on Championship Day will be given to the remainder of the team as well, so make sure you're cheering on your team's rep because you will get to share in their glory!