• Attendance Matters

    Attendance Matters

    Good attendance is critical for success in school. All absences will be coded unexcused unless an email, written note, online absent form, or educational opportunity form is received within two days from the parent/guardian.  
    Too many absences whether excused or unexcused, can keep students from succeeding in school and in life. How many are too many? 10% of the school year, which is 18 missed days or 2 days a month, can knock students off track.
    Good attendance: 6 or fewer absences
    Warning signs: 10 to 17 absences
    Chronic absence: 18 or more days
    20 or more absences can hold a student back from being promoted to the next grade

    CCS new attendance policy is now counting any 5 unexcused check-outs and tardies as 1 unexcused absence. We will require a Dr.'s note at time of check-in if a student or parent states being late due to being at a Dr. or dentist appointment. The same applies for check-out, if leaving to go to a Dr. or dentist appt. a Dr./dental note needs to be turned in the next day.

    Meredith Allen, our School Social Worker will be handling all attendance concerns.

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