

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Brown

Hey! My name is Sally Brown and I am so excited about teaching a third and fourth grade combo class this year! I am from Randolph County, North Carolina (Home of the North Carolina Zoo). Growing up, I dreamed of becoming a teacher. In 2006, I graduated from Greensboro College with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education. Although this is my fifth year of teaching at Bethel Elementary, this will be my seventeenth year as an elementary teacher. I LOVE teaching third grade and look forward to adding fourth grade to my experience. I am so excited to see growth this year.

 Fun Facts about Me:

1. I am married and have two children, Eli(13) and Carter(7).

2. I love playing sports. I played basketball and volleyball in college.

3. I love living in NC. I visit the mountains and the beach as much as I can.

4. I am 5'10". 

5. I have a Silver Lab named Asher and a Golden Labradoodle named Daisy. They are a mess and you will hear about them often.