Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Madison Palmer
I just wanted to introduce myself to everyone since there have been some changes with the nurse in the health office. My name is Madison. I will be here for the remainder of the school year, and hopefully longer! I grew up in Albemarle and still live there currently. I have 3 children of my own and a cat named Muffin. I have been a nurse since 2010.I have worked in all areas from the emergency room, labor and delivery, medical/surgical, newborn nursery, high school nurse, pediatric doctor's office, and home care for special needs pediatric patients. I have always loved working with kids and when this position became available I was very excited to come aboard. I look forward to meeting each and every one of you and your students here and helping keep our kids healthy and safe. I have linked some of the main medical forms at the bottom of this page if needed. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out!
Office Hours: 730am - 300pm
Nurse office direct line : 704-260-6086
Email: Madison.palmer@cabarrus.k12.nc.us
Milk Substitute form
Use if a child needs something other than cows milk to be provided by the school
Special Dietary Needs form
Must have a doctor fill out for any special dietary needs or allergies if wanting to have meals provided by the school
Health Assessment Form
Used for new enrollment to NC public school and Kindergarten health assessment form
OTC medication form
This form is only for over the counter medications for the student to be able to carry themselves.
Medication Authorization form
This form is for the doctor fill out so that a student can be given medication during school hours by the nurse