

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors - Psychology, UNC-Chapel Hill Masters - Applied Psychology, Clemson University Masters - Military Operational Art & Science, Air University Teaching Certification - Secondary Social Studies - University of North Carolina Charlotte

Mr. Jason Gibson

I graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1995 with a BA in Psychology, Minor in Chemistry and received a commission to the United States Air Force through the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps.  I served as a scientist, logistician and strategic planner in the USAF during my two decades of service.  

In 2015, I joined the Jay M. Robinson High School staff. 

I am excited to continue to help my students explore various Social Studies courses this year.



Here are the weekly updates on what is happening in my classes.


Week at a Glance for Sociology.

Week at a Glance for Honors Psychology.

Week at a Glance for American History II






  • Spring 2023
    1st Period: Planning
    2nd Period:  Sociology
    3rd Period:  Honors Psychology
    4th Period:  American History II



Contact Information




    Jason A. Gibson

    704-260-6660 ext 43339

  • All information for my courses and calendars are contained in Canvas.  Please go to the following page ( and click the Canvas icon under the "Useful Links" on the left of the screen.